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Adventure Masterminds




the Right Place.

If you're a driven, ambitious leader, a man looking to break out of your comfort zone alongside like-minded men motivated to excel in every area of their lives—thrive in business, have amazing, passionate relationships, and create success and winning for those around them—you’re in the right place

go boldly.

Our “Adventure Masterminds” allow you to challenge yourself physically and mentally.

Away from the stress and pressures of the office and family… Away from your inbox and constant distractions…

So you can reconnect with your Natural Man. Your Wild Man.
And go boldly into the unknown.

a man on purpose.

You’ll learn strategies to eliminate stress, focus, and tap more deeply into the man you are. You’ll return a stronger, more confident and more inspiring leader in your business.
A more deeply connected and passionate husband or boyfriend.
An ideal role model as a father.

A man who is part of a brotherhood.

A man on purpose.

“What I love most about this is the camaraderie of fellow men also looking to improve themselves and their lives. And implementing the strategies into my daily life is going to help me improve as a man overall.

Get out there and see how amazing this is and how life-changing it can be for you.”

-- Rich H.

US Army Special Forces, 19 years active duty




Disconnect From the World and Reconnect to Your Natural Self,

Rediscovering Your Confidence, Passion and Purpose

Lionheart Training Weekend Location


We live lives of endless responsibilities and distractions, making it easy to lose sight of the primal power that resides within each of us.

It's time to find that power again...

The BOLDMEN Lionheart Training Weekend is here to answer the primal call deep in your soul and reignite that flame—offering a place where men can reconnect with the raw strength, courage, clarity, and confidence that defines true masculinity—yet is out of reach for so many.

Leave behind the stresses of modern life, shut off the constant distractions, quiet the self-doubt, achieve greater mindfulness and presence, and join us as you take a transformational journey back to your roots, immersed in nature, reclaiming your Natural Man and place as a lionhearted king deliberately directing your life.

During this weekend training, you will:

➡️  Immerse Yourself in Nature: Your “classroom” for this training is a private, working, 110-acre ranch. No phones, no tech, no digital noise. Just you out in the raw beauty of the wilderness connecting to the wild man you were meant to be, learning new outdoor skills, and experiencing how men used to live back in ancient times…

➡️  Discover Your Lionhearted King: We’ll dive into the 4 Foundational Archetypes, the Sacred 7 Core Values, Right Order Masculine, and more… and you’ll create and step into your own personal version of Lionhearted King… your true power… with courage and conviction…

➡️  Ignite Your Primal Energy: Identify and kill off the barriers that have been holding you back and embrace the raw, untamed energy that lies within you. Fire up the passion that’s been lying dormant and use it as fuel to create natural attraction and completely transform your relationships…

➡️  Live in Right Order: In the heart of nature, you’ll discover what it means to live in Right Order Masculine, and be around men who have lived this way their whole lives… and learn why it’s crucial to success in every area of your live…

➡️  Experience Powerful Results: As the weekend unfolds, you'll find yourself experiencing greater mindfulness and presence. Your confidence will soar, your capabilities will expand, and you'll walk away revitalized, grounded, and ready to conquer life's challenges with purpose and passion.

Seize the opportunity to unleash your full potential. Register now!


Freedom Ranch, Okeechobee, FL


We will be outdoors the entire time, and will be sleeping in individual tents.

There are indoor bathrooms and showers available (if you must)



Saturday June 1 - Sunday June 2

Starts 9a sharp Saturday morning and ends at roughly 1p Sunday


Eric Rogell, bestselling author of Lions Raised as Lambs, podcast host, speaker, documentary filmmaker, adventure travel journalist.




* All Food / Drinks / Snacks

* Camp Chair

* All instruction

* Any supplies you need for the training

* A tent can be supplied if you need one or are flying in

* A Recommended Gear List will be provided before the event


This is a smoke-free and alcohol-free event

Phones and digital devices will be collected Saturday morning

Any firearms must be secured in your car in the parking lot



“How often do you get a few days to completely shut out all the outside noise of your business, your kids, your relationships, your social life... and just focus on things that will benefit you, and all the people around you? It was truly a fantastic experience.”

-- Allen L.

Owner, Digital marketing agency

It's about building a brotherhood of exceptional men

I know that right now many of you are looking for a community. For a group of like-minded men driven to constantly better themselves. To constantly challenge themselves. Hold themselves and each other accountable...
and be there for each other as brothers.
BOLDMEN Adventures builds that lifelong brotherhood.

what men are saying about boldmen adventures

“This trip has been immensely valuable and I know it's going to be exponential growth from here on out, because once you have the strategies, it's stuff you can't unlearn. And you end the trip feeling like you actually have brothers. There's no price you can put on that.”



"The neat part about the event was feeling over the course of a couple days, in every single thing we did, how much more I tapped into stepping up, being a man, trusting myself, moving forward, going first, pushing the envelope. It was a new experience and a new space for me."


Business Strategist

"I felt really connected with the other brothers. I felt empowered and inspired to have more impact, more influence; on my family, my clients, the world around me, and my community. It enhanced my ability to impact people in a positive way, be a mentor, be an influence, be a leader."



some of our recent adventures


GLACIER NATionaL PARK, MT - June 2021 

A Note from Eric Rogell

Hey Brothers…

For the last 20 years, I have been focused on peeling away the over-civilization that worked to make me fit in.

Because there was something inside me that rebelled against that.

I now know it was my inner Wild Man calling me to get up from that chair and get the hell outside...

Push limits. Get some battle scars. Go beyond what I thought was I was able to do. Go beyond my own fears and limited expectations. Tap back into that Wild Man who had been locked away.

Since then I’ve made the decision to find great men to be mentors and role models. Men I am honored to have in my life.

As a men’s lifestyle journalist I was able to travel around the world and do things like hike the Maʹunga Terevaka volcano on Easter Island, kayak the lagoons of Bora Bora, climb the red rocks of Nevada, and (my favorite) throw back shots of Jager suspended 150-feet above the crowd at the Wacken Open Air heavy metal festival.

A long, long way from that quiet chair and comfort zone.

I invite you to do the same for yourself.

To be deliberately uncomfortable and challenge yourself. To get reconnected to the Wild Man in you, alongside a group of other committed men who want the same—to step into your greatness as a leader, brother, husband, and father.

It’s up to you to decide…

Have a question or want to organize an adventure for your group or company?

Call us: 954.933.8408

© 2022 BOLDMEN Initiative. All Rights Reserved.